My mom came over at one point to dog-sit Duchess, my sister’s golden retriever, when she remarked “Kelly, Dutch has more toys than you had as a child.”
Well, without missing a beat, my sister was like “Duchess IS my child.”
Seriously, my sister spoils Dutch.
The world’s in chaos so here’s a lighthearted post featuring Duchess and some of her toys.
And, despite the laundry hamper full of hundreds of dollars of every type of dog toy you could imagine?
Anything is a toy to Dutch.
Duchess does this adorable thing where — when someone arrives at my sister’s apartment — she HAS to present the visitor with a gift. Doesn’t matter what it is. She just doesn’t want to be rude! So, she’ll basically get all hyped up and run around Kelly’s apartment until she finds the first thing that isn’t mounted down.
So far, Duchess has presented her guests with socks, my bra, my foam roller, plastic bags, empty cardboard boxes, an iPhone cord, my computer case, a towel, an empty peanut butter jar, a bag of recyclables and every single shoe she can find.
This dog makes quarantine better.
This post was originally published Jan. 24, 2021. Its timestamp has been updated.