Well, my anxiety has subsided enough that I’m back at it again with the “life lately” posts!
Where’d we last leave off? Chicago? Oh boy. If you don’t know or remember, my “life lately” posts were kind of started as a way to talk about some of the smaller moments that have happened throughout the past few weeks/ months. Kind of minor events and things that aren’t really worthy of their own blog posts. New restaurant excursions, new recipes, new purchases. That sort of thing.
Now that I’m settled into my new home in Arizona, I figured I’d start them back up again, on a quarterly basis. I’m not sure how interesting they’ll be because we’re still in a pandemic, but I have a few small things to share so let’s go ahead and give this a try.
Also, apparently Instagram no longer allows embeds? So this is all gonna be photo uploads, links to old posts and Twitter embeds. I guess that’s fine since I don’t really update my Instagram feed too much these days anyway.

So, I mean, the big thing obviously is that I moved to Flagstaff. I landed a new job working at USDA Forest Service, so I bought a brand new Jeep Wrangler and relocated to the Southwest.
I also turned 31. I celebrated by eating the cupcakes my coworker Jane made me, FaceTiming my Ukrainian host family, buying myself an Apple Watch and attending a yoga class at a local studio.
So, yes, I started my new job working as a Deputy Public Affairs Specialist at the Coconino National Forest Supervisor’s Office.
Right now, I’m just trying to get accustomed to the forest. That means… field trips! No joke. Once or twice a week, I pack my lunch and hop into the back of a government-plated lifted Dodge Ram with my boss and coworkers to explore the forest.
The Coconino National Forest is stunning, and I’m so lucky I get to work here! Other than these field trips, it’s mostly just been a lot of paperwork, access granting and training.
Oh, and sizing my new hard hat. That’s right, I have a hard hat.

Oh boy. So, aside from the stops along Route 66 — Tally’s Diner, Pop’s 66, Sawmill Market, etc. — I’ve been trying what I can in Flagstaff.
My priority, of course, is breweries. Flagstaff has nine of them, and I am determined to try them all. So far I’ve done Lumberyard, Historic, Flagstaff Brewing and Beaver Street*, but I’ll definitely be hitting up more as soon as I can.

Other than breweries, I’ve had the chance to check out a few local restaurants. So far, I like Karma Sushi, Pato Thai*, Cornish Pasty, Wildflower, The Crown Railroad Cafe, Bandoleros 66 and Over Easy*.
Because I’m a pizza fiend, I’ve tried Pizzicletta*, NiMarco’s Pizza* and Fratelli Pizza*. Of the three, Pizzicletta is the best IMO, but Flagstaff pizza is… not that great, I’m sorry to say.
I’ve also started slowly and cautiously exploring bars here. Jane and I quickly turned Southside into our spot, but we also both like Collins. I’ve also been over to the cocktail lounge Annex, but the menu is a little too whisky-heavy for me.
Non-meal-related, I also like Late for the Train (coffee), Sweet Shoppe (ice cream) and Mozelle’s (bakery) — all located downtown.

*Takeout only, thanks COVID.
If you have suggestions, don’t give ’em to me. Flagstaff is small and they’re probably already on my list. I’m just waiting for this pandemic to chiiillll, thanks!
I also tried cactus (aka: nopales) tacos at Barrio Queen down in the Valley during a day trip to IKEA, and I’ve gotta say? Not a fan. Please don’t judge me.
That’s right! I get to add a “hiking and outdoors” section to this sucker! Get used to the AllTrails links!
So, like I mentioned, I’ve been getting to know my forest during day field trips out and about to various parts of the forest.
I’ve had the chance to hike and/ or visit Fossil Creek, Blue Ridge Reservoir, Mogollon Rim, Lockett Meadow and Red Mountain, among other places.
I also love hiking outside of work, too. I had some friends visit from out of town, and we all took a quick stroll along Sedona’s Airport Loop trail.
Jake and I did some hiking up Mount Elden, and I made it out to Buffalo Park for a simple walk.

I’ve also, of course, taken a few local trips to nearby National Parks, including both the Grand Canyon and Saguaro.
Jane and I also accidentally ended up off-roading my Jeep on Schnebly Hill, remember that? Whoops.
So… not too much in the way of clothing this time around due to working from home! I’ve been spending most of my money on furniture and decor. With that said, I’ve recently bought these cute cactus decals for my bedroom wall, this rustic shelf for above my desk, this classic plant basket, these inexpensive throw pillows (in forest green) and this faux leather armchair (in cognac).
Hm… what else? I’ve mostly just been trying to get settled! I moved here with only a UHaul and a Jeep’s worth of stuff, so, like I said, I’ve been slowly furnishing and decorating my apartment.
I’ve also been trying to find a new yoga studio here. Nothing will ever replace my CorePower Yoga Uptown family, but hopefully I’ll eventually be able to find a new little community here in Flagstaff.
Oh, also, I’m down about 30 pounds since getting back from Peace Corps!
I also picked up playing the ukulele as a new quarantine hobby, and I signed up to do some English teaching tutoring for a local literacy center. We’ll see how that pans out given the pandemic, though. I haven’t had too much time to read or watch TV due to the doomscrolling unpacking and exploring, but once the cold hits and things settle back down, I’m sure I’ll have my nose stuck in a book.
So, that’s kind of about it!
Here’s the part where I normally post a ton of photos of me hanging with friends and doing my thing, but thanks to a new move to a new city in a pandemic that’s getting old real fast, I don’t have a ton of those.

So… that’s about it for now! Til next time!

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This post was originally published Jan. 21, 2021. Its timestamp has been updated.