Looking for some Peace Corps English club ideas and plans? Here you go!
Here are some of the Ukrainian dishes I've come to love during my time in the Peace Corps.
Here's what an average day looks like for me as a Peace Corps Ukraine TEFL Volunteer.
I recently attended yet another Peace Corps conference/ training: Project Design and Management.
I recently had a Thursday-Friday Peace Corps training in Kyiv, which means I had Saturday-Sunday to explore the city!
I talk a lot about my Peace Corps "counterparts." I wanted to share more about them — especially Oksana, who I primarily work with.
I spent this past week at Peace Corps In-Service Training, aka IST.
I leased an apartment here in Ukraine! Take a look at my Peace Corps housing.
I celebrated my first Christmas and New Year's in Khmelnytskyi, my Peace Corps site.
I recently went to Kyiv right after Christmas for my flu shot. JK, it was actually to see Star Wars.