Happy spring break!
Spring break means spring cleaning, right? The nice breezy weather isn’t quite here yet, but spring break does mean that I’ve finished one eight week class and get a week off from my two 16-week classes, which means it’s time for a cubicle clean-out!
This is just a teaser post. I know, I’m the worst. But late last week, I embarked on a complete overhaul of my office work station. I’m excited about it. You’ll get a complete breakdown of my project at the end of the series, but here’s the first project for you, just so you have a sneak peek.
When I first “moved in” to my cubicle, I’d printed a few quick pictures on our laser office printer and tacked them up with push pins. They were printed on plain paper, so they were curling and folding and looking really rough. They’re on the right in the following photograph if you can manage to see them through all this junk.

I decided I wanted to pretty things up a bit. And what better way to do than by organizing? And what better way to organize a wall than frames? Unfortunately, frames are pretty heavy, so I knew I was going to have to modify a few things if I wanted a hanging frame in my desk. So, I started with these cheap frames from the dollar store.
I removed the glass and the backing and set those aside. The frames got a nice coat of primer.
Then, I mixed up a few shades of lavender and gave each frame three light and even coats.
(Thanks for protecting my table, Ulta!) Then, I made the bows. They’re a pretty easy process. You just loop a small piece of linen around, staple it together, and then tie the center with twine.
Forgive the poor manicure and the gash on my thumb. And that’s it! I picked up some clear Command hooks and used those to hang my frames in my cubicle using some twine, and popped the bows overtop of the hooks to make the display a little more aesthetically pleasing.
A much better view while I work. And check out my cubicle neighbor’s mini Abe statue. She’s a huge thrifter too.
Like I said, this is just a teaser of what’s to come! I’m really looking forward to finishing my cubicle overhaul. It should look much more chic and feel much calmer and more tranquil when I’m done with it.
Willing to share a photo of your workspace? I’d love to see!
Super Cute!!! ‘Love what you’ve done with the place’!
Thanks! I should proooobably get around to posting the long-forgotten update, huh…