Helloooooo I am back with my very last concert post for the foreseeable future.
You’re glad and I’m glad and we’re gonna get my amateur musings out of the way now.
So, Quinn XCII last Wednesday at The Riviera Theatre!
Helloooooo I am back with my very last concert post for the foreseeable future.
You’re glad and I’m glad and we’re gonna get my amateur musings out of the way now.
So, Quinn XCII last Wednesday at The Riviera Theatre!
Soooo my dumb self decided in January that it’d be TOTALLY FINE to go to a show on the other side of town on a Tuesday night knowing damn well I had to work at 6 a.m. the next morning.
Anyway. I saw Nightly at Subterranean over in Wicker Park this past week and if you haven’t heard of them, you should definitely give them a listen.
This past weekend, something kinda weird happened.
The bar I used to work at in college followed me on Instagram.
I did a double-take and then immediately started laughing. I screenshotted the notification and posted it to Twitter with the caption “…you guys fired me in 2011.”
Cause, yep! I was fired from that bar my senior year of college. It was the one and only time I ever got fired from a job, and it ended up being one of the better things to ever happen to me.
I am baaackkkk with more blurry iPhone photos and a “concert review” written by somebody with no formal education in music journalism.
Yaaayyy! Aren’t you glad you’re following me?
*Watches subscriptions plummet*
This past Thursday, I ventured down to Metro to catch The WLDLFE and VHS Collection.
Hi! So, talking about posts that are way overdue.
I’m a yoga instructor now! With a real permanent class on a real weekly schedule at a real paying studio!
Is anyone else obsessed with Money Diaries?
Sometimes it’s a really good hate read, and other times it’s just genuinely interesting and fun to peruse. I love reading about how other people budget, spend and organize their money, since I’ve been trying to get a better handle on mine. After all, I’m almost (GAH) 30.
When I offhandedly mentioned to a friend that I have four different bank accounts, she got really intrigued and wanted to know more. So, I figured it’d be a good blog post topic!
So, back in January I started getting a little stir-crazy.
If you’re from the Midwest, you know what I’m talking about.
Winter here is all fine and well through, like, mid-January. Then the despair sets in and you start to get real sick of your four walls and the aroma of your Crockpot.
I hit that point back in January and found myself thinking about how badly I needed to do something to get out of my apartment.
Enter: Concerts!
I went a little crazy with the ticket purchasing and ended up dropping money on four March shows within, like, a two-hour period.
My bank account hated me at the time, but now everything’s been paid off and I get to reap the rewards!
And you get to reap the shitty iPhone photos and #content. Aren’t you glad you’re following along?!
First up: Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness with flor and Grizfolk!
Sometimes I’m a little wary about writing up these little packing posts because I often find myself thinking “Randi, nobody actually gives a shit what you brought.”
But then I realize that I personally Google “packing for [insert_destination_here]” ALL THE TIME, and also I’m always looking for new ways to economize my luggage — especially because I’m a light packer and I usually try to carry a single backpack with me on my trips.
Hola! I am sunburnt as all hell and I think I gained at least 10 pounds bc TACOS but I’m back in (cold, rainy and dreary) Chicago after an extended weekend in Tulum, Mexico!
Helloooo! I lied when I told you I wasn’t going to wait like, half a year to post a little life update.
I mentioned it a little earlier this week, but blogging hasn’t really been a priority of mine lately. And to be even more honest? That’s OK by me. I’ve kind of been feeling this way for a while, so I’ve come around to accepting it’s not a mood or a phase. When I started blogging years and years ago, my blog was a creative outlet; kind of like a public-facing diary but waaayyy less embarrassing than my actual diary. (Yes, I still keep one of those!)
Now the blogosphere is a smorgasbord of ads, paid product placements, affiliate links, etc. — and it’s kind of like… where do I fit into all that? Do I fit into all of that? Do I want to?
I’ve decided… I don’t care. I’m not keeping a list of page view targets or post goals or whatever. I’m going to post what I want when I want. I’ll still include affiliate links cause let’s be honest, I’m broke AF. (I’ll just be transparent about them ’cause I always will be.)
So, anyway! Here we are. “Organic” posting. Which brings me to… today’s little life update that should have been posted six months ago, whoops.