So, I realize a majority of my posts lately have been travel posts. Not gonna apologize! After a really rough
OK, this is the last post about my March Europe trip. I wrote last week about how I managed to pack
Is it just me, or are self-help books kind of becoming trendy? I'm kind of glad about it, actually! I
YOU GUYS. I DID IT. I made it to Europe, around Europe, and out of Europe using a single backpack.
Hello! Ahoj! Ciao! Merhaba! Hola! After a crazy insane 10 days jetting from America to Italy to Turkey to Czechia
Two flights down, eight to go over the course of the next two or so weeks. I'm not sure whaattt
Guys, I'm kinda freaking out a little bit. My flight to Europe leaves in exactly two weeks, and I feel
Here are some of my favorite brunch restaurants on Chicago's north side.
I know most of you are here for it when I say that — for the most part — 2017
I'm a little late in getting this post up, but I still wanted to take a minute to share some